The Saint John Fisher Missale

Our Patron — St John Fisher
Please read these pages if you are visiting the website for the first time.Ordo Missæ and Kyriale
Proper of Seasons
~ Christmastide
~ Time after the Epiphany
Septuagesima ~
Eastertide ~
Ascensiontide ~
Time after Pentecost
Proper of Saints
~ January
~ February
~ March
~ May
~ June
~ July
~ September
~ October
~ November
Local Feasts celebrated in East Anglia
Votive Masses
Masses for
the Faithful Departed
Texts of Miscellaneous Chants
Ordo Missæ and Kyriale
- Ordo Missæ with a short Kyriale (48 pages)
- Ordo Missæ without Kyriale (28 pages)
- Short Kyriale (Asperges, Ordinaries I, V, VIII, IX, XI, XII, XVII, Credo I, III, VI, Marian Antiphons) (26 pages)
- Essential Kyriale (Asperges, Ordinaries I, VIII, XI, XVII, Credo I, III, Marian Antiphons) (16 pages)
- Ordinary I (Lux et origo)
- Ordinary V (Kyrie magnæ Deus potentiæ)
- Ordinary VIII (De Angelis)
- Ordinary IX (Cum jubilo) (4 pages)
- Ordinary XI (Orbis factor)
- Ordinary XII (Pater cuncta)
- Ordinary XVII (Advent and Lent)
- Alma Redemptoris (simple tone)
- Ave regina (simple tone)
- Regina cæli (simple tone)
- Salve Regina (simple tone)
Additional Collects
- For the Pope
- For the Diocesan Bishop
- For the Sovereign
- For Thanksgiving
- For the Propagation of the Faith
Proper of Seasons
Unless indicated otherwise, the following texts are 3-4 pages
long, so that they can printed on one A4-sheet as a
double-sided booklet.
- 1st Sunday of Advent
- 2nd Sunday of Advent
- 3rd Sunday of Advent
- Ember Saturday in Advent (7 pages)
- 4th Sunday of Advent
- Christmas Day
(Mass in the night) (6 pages)
- Christmas Day
(Mass at dawn)
- Christmas Day
(Mass in the day) (5 pages)
- 26
December: St Stephen (5 pages)
- 27 December:
St John
- 28
December: The Holy Innocents (5 pages)
- Sunday in
the Octave of Christmas
- 29
December: St Thomas Becket
- 1
January: The Circumcision of the Lord
- Sunday
after the Octave of Christmas (or 2 January): The Holy Name of Jesus (6 pages)
- 5
January: The Vigil of the Epiphany
- 6
January: The Epiphany of the Lord (5 pages)
Time after the Epiphany
- Feast of the Holy
- Week of the
First Sunday after Epiphany
- 2nd
Sunday after Epiphany
- 3rd
Sunday after Epiphany
- 4th
Sunday after Epiphany
- 5th
Sunday after Epiphany
- 6th
Sunday after Epiphany
- Ash Wednesday (6 pages)
- 1st Sunday of Lent
- Ember Saturday in Lent (8 pages)
- 2nd Sunday of Lent
- 3rd Sunday of Lent
- 4th Sunday of Lent
- Passion Sunday
Holy Week (pre-1955)
- Easter Sunday (5 pages)
- Easter Monday (7 pages)
- Low Sunday (5 pages)
- 2nd Sunday after Easter
- 3rd Sunday after Easter
- 4th Sunday after Easter
- 5th Sunday after Easter
- Rogation Days (9 pages)
- Vigil of the Ascension
- Vigil of Pentecost (15 pages)
- Whit Sunday
- Whit Monday (5 pages)
- Ember Saturday after Pentecost (7 pages)
Time after Pentecost
- Trinity Sunday
- Week of the First Sunday after Pentecost
- Corpus Christi (5 pages)
- 2nd Sunday after Pentecost
- Feast of the Sacred Heart
- 3rd Sunday after Pentecost
- 4th Sunday after Pentecost
- 5th Sunday after Pentecost
- 6th Sunday after Pentecost
- 7th Sunday after Pentecost
- 8th Sunday after Pentecost
- 9th Sunday after Pentecost
- 10th Sunday after Pentecost
- 11th Sunday after Pentecost
- 12th Sunday after Pentecost
- 13th Sunday after Pentecost
- 14th Sunday after Pentecost
- 15th Sunday after Pentecost
- 16th Sunday after Pentecost
- 17th Sunday after Pentecost
- Ember Saturday in September (7 pages)
- 18th Sunday after Pentecost
- 19th Sunday after Pentecost
- 20th Sunday after Pentecost
- 21st Sunday after Pentecost
- 22nd Sunday after Pentecost
- 23rd Sunday after Pentecost
- 5th Sunday before Advent (resumed 3rd Sunday after Epiphany)
- 4th Sunday before Advent (resumed 4th Sunday after Epiphany)
- 3rd Sunday before Advent (resumed 5th Sunday after Epiphany)
- 2nd Sunday before Advent (resumed 6th Sunday after Epiphany)
- Last (or 24th) Sunday after Pentecost
Proper of Saints
- January 18: St Peter’s Chair (in Rome), see February 22
- January 25: Conversion of St Paul (5 pages)
- February 2: Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (6 pages)
- February 22: St Peter’s Chair (in Antioch)
- February 24/25: St Matthias
- March 12: St Gregory the Great
- March 19: St Joseph
- March 25: Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (5 pages)
- May 1: St Joseph the Worker
- May 4: The Holy Martyrs of England and Wales
- May 5: St Pius V (5 pages)
- May 11: SS. Philip and James
- June 23: Vigil of the Nativity of St John the Baptist
- June 24: The Nativity of St John the Baptist
- June 28: Vigil of SS. Peter and Paul
- June 29: SS. Peter and Paul
- July 1: The Most Precious Blood of Our Lord
- July 2: The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- July 25: St James
- July 26: St Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- August 6: The Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ
- August 10: St Lawrence
- August 15: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- August 16: St Joachim, Father of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- August 24: St Bartholomew
- September 8: Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (5 pages)
- September 14: The Exaltation of the Holy Cross (5 pages)
- September 15: The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- September 21: St Matthew
- September 29: Dedication of St Michael the Archangel
- October 7: Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
- October 11: The Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- October 18: St Luke (5 pages)
- October 28: SS. Simon and Jude
- Last Sunday of October: Feast of the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ
- November 1: Feast of All Saints (5 pages)
- November 2: Commemoration of all Faithful Departed (for Requiem Masses see below)
- November 9: Dedication of the Archbasilica of the Saviour
- November 30: St Andrew
Local Feasts celebrated in East Anglia
- October 17: Translation of St Etheldreda
- November 20: St Edmund King and Martyr, Secondary Patron of the Diocese of East Anglia
- June 26: Dedication of the Cathedral Church
In preparation.
Votive Masses
- Votive Mass of the Most Holy Trinity:
- Votive Mass of the Holy Ghost:
- Votive Mass of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar:
- Votive Mass of the Holy Cross:
- Votive Mass of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord:
- Votive Mass of the Most Holy Name of Jesus:
Masses for the Faithful Departed
The Order of the Requiem Mass contains an Ordo Missae with the peculiar features of the Requiem Mass, the music for the Ordinary, and the texts of the Proper Chants, which are the same in all Masses for the dead.
Therefore, the files with the Propers contain only the Collects and readings, and hence they are shorter than usual (two pages, again appearing twice in each file).
Because many of those attending a funeral will not be familiar with the Extraordinary Form, a series of files was produced that contain the complete texts of some Masses, with the texts from the Propers inserted at the right place of the Order of Mass. This was done for the Mass for departed priests, and for the Mass on the day of Burial (the latter comes in three different versions, one has alternative words for a man and a woman, the other two are for a man and for a woman respectively).
- Full Requiem (Man or Woman) (26 pages)
- Full Requiem (Man) (26 pages)
- Full Requiem (Woman) (26 pages)
- Full Requiem (Priest) (26 pages)
- Requiem: Ordinary only (24 pages)
- Propers for All Souls
- Propers for the Day of Death or Burial (for laypeople)
- Propers for the Anniversary (for laypeople)
- Propers for Priests
- Propers for the Daily Mass for the Dead (3 pages)